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Nice game! I like the idea, and the graphics have a fun simplistic oldie style to them. For some reason it wouldn't take me to another level after I'd collected 5 of each fruit though ^^'Not sure if I broke it, I've been known to break games though so maybe it's me. lol
Another thing, I like to pick up and play games without reading instructions to just check how easy it is to understand the games goals and controls based on what is presented in game, and immediately I couldn't figure out what my goal was. I think it would help a lot to have the number by the fruit, as in have it formatted like 0/5 to tell you the amount your looking for. Also I agree with Puddle- room is too big, and far too empty. Hard to tell where I've been and where I still need to look for fruit.

Very nice game, i like the juicy particle effects and screenshake, I think the levels are a little to large and the time until red zone starts is a little to long, overall very nice

Thanks for your feedback!